Who am I to blow against the wind?

First published: LinkedIn on Dec 23, 2021 These are my seasonal wishes to you, thinly wrapped in a story about…

A primer on finding your own 0days

First published: LinkedIn on April 5, 2017 Disclaimer: This article does not show you anything you could not have found…

PGP, a pretty good new year's resolution.

First published: Linkedin on November 10, 2016 You may think that encryption is difficult or it is a hassle... and well,…

Abundance; IT Security's SNAFU

First published: LinkedIn on May 20, 2015 Although the title may sound a little presumptious, the fact is that at the moment…

The electronic theatre of war

First published: LinkedIn on May 11, 2015 We have to face the fact that in our current day and age our communications…